08 July 2023

Presentation Record(Previous Presentation will be showed here if the video is not released for this talk)

MAIB: Manifold learning, Artificial Intelligence, Biology Forum (MAIB)

Dr. Yongquan Yang

Due to the dominant position of deep learning (mostly deep neural networks) in various artificial intelligence applications, recently, ensemble learning based on deep neural networks (ensemble deep learning) has shown significant performances in improving the generalization of learning system. However, since modern deep neural networks usually have millions to billions of parameters, the time and space overheads for training multiple base deep learners and testing with the ensemble deep learner are far greater than that of traditional ensemble learning. Though several algorithms of fast ensemble deep learning have been proposed to promote the deployment of ensemble deep learning in some applications, further advances still need to be made for many applications in specific fields, where the developing time and computing resources are usually restricted or the data to be processed is of large dimensionality. An urgent problem needs to be solved is how to take the significant advantages of ensemble deep learning while reduce the required expenses so that many more applications in specific fields can benefit from it. For the alleviation of this problem, it is essential to know about how ensemble learning has developed under the era of deep learning. Thus, in this article, we present discussions focusing on data analyses of published works, methodologies, recent advances and unattainability of traditional ensemble learning and ensemble deep learning. We hope this article will be helpful to realize the intrinsic problems and technical challenges faced by future developments of ensemble learning under the era of deep learning.

Ensemble deep learning, which combines multiple deep neural networks, has emerged as a powerful approach for improving the generalization of learning systems. However, the large size of modern deep neural networks poses challenges in terms of training time and resource requirements for ensemble learning. Although some fast ensemble deep learning algorithms have been proposed, further advancements are needed to enable its widespread adoption in applications with limited resources or high-dimensional data. The aim is to reduce the expenses associated with ensemble deep learning while harnessing its benefits. This article focuses on the development of ensemble learning in the era of deep learning, including data analysis of published works, methodologies, recent advances, and the limitations of traditional ensemble learning and ensemble deep learning. By addressing these issues, we hope to shed light on the inherent problems and technical challenges that need to be overcome for future advancements in ensemble learning under the influence of deep learning.

A major challenge in the field of ensemble deep learning is the high computational and resource requirements. Modern deep neural networks often have millions or billions of parameters, which significantly increases the time and space overheads for training and testing multiple base deep learners within an ensemble. This poses a challenge for applications with limited computing resources or large-dimensional data. The development of efficient and scalable algorithms for ensemble deep learning is crucial to address this challenge and enable wider adoption of ensemble methods in specific fields where resources are restricted. Finding ways to reduce the computational burden while maintaining the advantages of ensemble deep learning remains an urgent problem to be solved.

杨永全,人工智能算法研究和应用工程师,Artificial Intelligence Review等期刊审稿人。近年来主要研究方向为深度学习时代背景下的集成学习和弱监督学习算法,及其在医学智能辅助诊断中的应用,包括基于全数字玻片图像的组织区域识别、癌区域分割、乳腺癌新辅疗效预测标志物构建,以及乳腺癌术后残余癌分割等。相关工作发表在Artificial Intelligence Review, Patern Recognition, Journal of Translational Medicine, NPJ Breast Cancer 等期刊,授权专利3项。


Yang, Y., Lv, H., & Chen, N. (2023). A Survey on ensemble learning under the era of deep learning. Artificial Intelligence Review, 56(6), 5545–5589. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-022-10283-5

Yang, Y., Lv, H., Chen, N., Wu, Y., Zheng, J., & Zheng, Z. (2021). Local minima found in the subparameter space can be effective for ensembles of deep convolutional neural networks. Pattern Recognition, 109, 107582. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2020.107582




集成深度学习(Ensemble Deep Learning)是一种将多个深度学习模型组合起来形成一个更强大、更准确的模型的方法。在集成深度学习中,多个深度学习模型被训练来解决同一个问题,然后它们的预测结果被整合或者投票来得到最终的预测。



投票集成(Voting Ensemble):多个模型的预测结果进行投票,选择获得最高票数的结果作为最终预测。

平均集成(Averaging Ensemble):将多个模型的预测结果取平均值,得到最终预测。

堆叠集成(Stacking Ensemble):将多个模型的预测结果作为输入,再训练一个元模型(meta-model)来生成最终的预测。

Boosting集成(Boosting Ensemble):逐步训练一系列模型,每个模型都试图纠正前一个模型的错误,从而逐步提高整体性能。



  1. 自适应权重融合方法:为了更好地利用集成中不同深度学习器的预测能力,研究人员提出了多种自适应权重融合方法。这些方法根据不同模型的性能和置信度动态调整权重,从而提高整体性能和鲁棒性。

  2. 神经架构搜索:神经架构搜索(NAS)的发展为集成深度学习带来了重要的突破。NAS可以自动搜索最佳的神经网络架构,以提高集成的泛化性能。这种方法大大减少了人工设计网络架构的需求,并取得了显著的性能提升。

  3. 增量学习和在线学习:传统上,集成深度学习需要在全部数据上重新训练模型。但是,近年来的研究集中于增量学习和在线学习方法,允许模型在接收新数据时进行动态更新,而无需重新训练整个模型。这使得集成深度学习更加适用于实时和大规模数据的场景。

  4. 知识蒸馏技术:知识蒸馏是一种通过将大型模型(教师模型)的知识传递给小型模型(学生模型)来改善集成深度学习性能的技术。这种方法不仅能提高小型模型的泛化性能,还能减少模型的计算和存储开销,使得集成深度学习更加高效和可扩展。



  1. 计算效率和资源需求:目前,集成深度学习的计算和资源需求仍然较高。为了推动其在各个领域的广泛应用,需要研究更1加高效和可扩展的算法和技术,以减少计算开销并优化资源利用。

  2. 解释性和可解释性:深度学习模型通常是黑盒模型,难以解释其决策过程和推理逻辑。在一些敏感领域如医疗和金融中,解释性和可解释性是至关重要的。因此,需要研究如何增加集成深度学习模型的解释性,提高其可解释性和可信度。

  3. 鲁棒性和安全性:集成深度学习模型对于对抗性攻击和数据扰动可能存在脆弱性。在未来十年内,需要进一步研究如何提高集成深度学习模型的鲁棒性,使其能够在面对噪声、干扰和恶意攻击时具有更好的性能和安全性。

  4. 高维数据和稀缺数据:随着数据规模和维度的增加,集成深度学习在处理高维数据和稀缺数据方面面临挑战。在未来的研究中,需要考虑如何有效地利用高维数据的信息,并如何在数据稀缺的情况下进行集成学习,以提高模型的性能和泛化能力。

  5. 动态学习和在线学习:未来十年将更加注重动态学习和在线学习的方法。集成深度学习需要能够快速适应新数据、新环境和新任务,并在不断变化的情况下进行实时学习和更新。因此,需要研究更加灵活和自适应的集成学习方法,以应对实时和动态环境的需求。


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