- Title:MAIB-class-015:Causal Tracing in Language Model
- Date:10:00pm US East time, 05/20/2023
- Date:10:00am Beijing time, 05/21/2023
- Zoom ID:933 1613 9423
- Zoom PWD:416262
- Zoom: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcudu-prTIuGNda1MsF8PKyRQlnGn06TP2E
Momiao Xiong, Ph. D, Professor in Department of Biostatistics snd Data Science , University of Texas, School of Public Health. Dr. Xiong graduated from the Department of Statistics at the University of Georgia in 1993. From 1993 to 1995, Dr. Xiong was postdoctoral fellow at the University of Southern California working with Michael Waterman.
Research Interest: Causal Inference, Artificial Intelligence , Manifold Learning, Statistic Genetics and Bioinformatics .
Causal Knowledge Graph in LM
Identify Causal Tokens for Prediction
Construct Causal Information Flows in Transformer
Causal Tracing in Protein Language Modles
GAN for Causal Inference
Genetic Causation Studies
Causal Inference in AI
Causal Knowledge Graph in LM: This refers to the use of a knowledge graph within a language model to represent causal relationships between entities or concepts. It involves encoding causal information in the form of a graph to enable the model to understand and reason about cause-and-effect relationships.
Identify Causal Tokens for Prediction: In the context of natural language processing, this involves identifying specific tokens or words within a text that indicate causality. By identifying these causal tokens, models can better predict or understand causal relationships in the given context.
Construct Causal Information Flows in Transformer: This refers to modifying the Transformer architecture, a popular neural network model, to incorporate explicit causal information flows. By constraining the attention mechanism to only allow information flow from past to present, these models can better capture temporal dependencies and causality.
Causal Tracing in Protein Language Models: This involves analyzing and tracing causal relationships within language models specifically designed for understanding protein structures and interactions. By identifying causal links, these models can provide insights into how specific protein interactions lead to certain outcomes or functions.
GAN for Causal Inference: This involves using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to perform causal inference tasks. GANs, which consist of a generator and discriminator, can be leveraged to learn causal relationships and generate samples that conform to a desired causal structure.
Genetic Causation Studies: These refer to studies conducted in genetics and genomics to investigate the causal relationships between genetic variations and phenotypic traits or diseases. These studies aim to identify genetic variants that have a causal effect on a particular trait or disease, often using methods such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) or Mendelian randomization.
Causal Inference in AI: Causal inference in AI involves developing methods and algorithms to uncover causal relationships from observational or experimental data. It aims to understand cause-and-effect relationships rather than mere correlations, enabling AI systems to make more informed decisions and interventions. Causal inference techniques can be applied in various domains, including healthcare, economics, and social sciences, to gain insights and make causal claims from data.
我在本课的参考文献里收录了朱宏图教授发至群里的 "参数高效微调方法《Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning,PEFT)》一文。这篇文章的方法也可用于事实相关分析和因果分析(factor association and causal analysis)。它是一𠆤很大的课题,涉及面很广,研究方法也如雨后春笋般出现,我不能都讲。在课上仅选取大语言模型的因果追踪,这篇中等难度的文章来讲,目的是说明这个课题很热门,用途很广,起一个穿针引线的作用。 大语言模型(实质上包括多模态如图象,音频,视频,蛋白质语言,DNA 和基因型语言模型,多组学语言模型等)的参数估计,参数微调和控制,大语言模型的统计推断和因果推断具有极其丰富的研究内容。大语言模型构成了一个巨大的网络,网络的结构变化,参数变化,如何受输入信息的影响,如何用提示和短文来控制输出,来控制参数的变化是一个涉及面广而极其挑战的研究课题。不管是近似也好,无关也罢,这些理论是我们描述人的智能过程的基础。人工智能(如大语言模型)的数学理论研究,就是当代的微积分。作用是一样的,只是它所包括的内含不一样。微积分研究长达一、两个世纪,而人工智能的数学理论研究才刚刚开始。 我的讲稿里所包含的参考文献没有一篇是发表在高影响因子的杂志里。Open AI 和Google 的文章首先登在他们公司的网页上。朱宏图教授推荐的文章也是一篇博客和引用的几篇予印本的文章。我记得十几年前一位国际上著名的进化科学家在纪念我们中心主任诞生九十周年的时候说过,影响因子是阻碍科学发展的。我来美国读书的时候是没有影响因子的。由计算机学界所发起的予印本,博克正在改变出版界。它们冲破了出版界的封锁,极大地推动了人工智能的研究和发展。